Thursday, September 13, 2007

"I am From...

I am from corn fields, water towers, and street lights.
I am from fresh cut grass and rock music.
I am from Thanksgiving meals, friends high "5's,"
and Pepsi's on a hot summer day.
I am from my mom's swear words, my basketball hoop,
and "giving nothing but my best."
I am from church bells ringing, coaches whistling,
and good times that never end.
I am from my friends high pitched laugh, my brothers guitar
and days that start at 8am and go to 9pm.
I am from Fourth of July fireworks, arts and crafts,
and stories that don't have endings.
I am from the fire place warmth, the dirt on the baseball field,
and ground balls through the legs.
I am from Saturday bike rides, conversations about life,
and memories of bad decisions.
I am from good advice, police sirens, and being shocked by a door handle.
I am from reciting lines from movies, and friendships that never end.


ruggermichigan3 said...

You had a lot points in your poem that is was personal and had a nice lyric to it.

Ashley Wallace said...

Love the poem...I can definitely relate to a lot of what you said.

Michelle Randall said...

Good poem. I could visualize a lot of your descriptions easily. You had a very “comforting” tone throughout it. I enjoyed reading it.