Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Image Grammar: The Writer as Artist

The concepts written about in this chapter I found very interesting to discuss with friends and fellow colleagues. Writing as Seeing, is something I have never thought about before. Images in writing are very important to me as a reader and if I read something I have made it a point to visualize all I can. If a writer uses images and words that evoke pictures in my mind I can relate more to what I read. If I can teach my students to show me something, rather than tell me something I think that I have done my job as a teacher of writing. Words that describe actions always enhance my writing and when grading students papers it seems to me that the students who explore more with descriptive words tend to write papers that I enjoy reading and in turn get better grades. The process of revision is a teaching strategy that I fully support and hope to use in my classroom. Positive comments on students papers and their ability to realize their mistakes and strengths is one aspect of teaching writing I enjoy. Building students confidence in their writing is important and through revision I think this can be accomplished.


Ashley Vogl said...

This is so true! It was perfectly exhibited today when we had students re-write their original sentences to make them more creative and interesting. I found that a lot of the second sentences had more imagery and visual clues that helped the reader paint a picture, so that was nice to see (or hear).

Shannon said...

I really loved hearing how each of you were able to expand and improve your written pieces by inserting a few brushstrokes. I think our students would really benefit from this exercise as well.