Monday, October 29, 2007

Letter to Disney

Dear Disney Motion Pictures,

After viewing many of you're movies with my children I have found that you have stereotyped various minority groups within the stories of the films. I find this to be very inappropriate for movies that are geared for younger viewers. These stereotypes of African Americans, Native Americans, as well as Arab Americans can not stand in a country as diverse as ours. These stereotypes demean women, show native Americans as the color "red" and stereotype broken English. In the movie Dumbo, african american's were portrayed as slaves and impersonal by not showing their faces. I demand that you change these stereotypes in order for my children to grow up with an equal view of all people no matter their race or ethnic background. These movies should be made to embrace differences not to make them a focal point of humor. Disney I say to you, please rewrite you're scripts and scenes to show equality of the races and everyone sharing in experiences, so that my children can see the value of a country that views differences as a good thing and not a means of stereotyping.


An angry Parent of misled children!

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