Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Advertisements I Find Appealing!

While thinking about Group 3's assignment in which I had to find and reflect on an advertisement that I found appealing, I found out a lot about what I value and look for in a products ad campaign. While looking through many magazines adds and commercials on TV I found out that adds that are funny or eye catching definitly appeal to me and make me feel like I have to buy their product. While driving in my car, i heard a lot of comercials, but one in particular struck me as a very appealing ad. I have heard this kind of add before but, it has always appealed to me when considering a beverage choice. The Bud Light adds that start out with "Real Men of Genius..." are by far the greatest adds i've heard. They are funny and appeal to every day people and situations that people can relate to. The one in particular that I heard was "We salute you Mr. Humongous Pumpkin Grower Guy," this commercial pretty much has nothing to do with the product it is advertising, but it is funny and you can remember it.

1 comment:

Chris Kato. said...

I really liked how you turned "Real Men of Genius" into "Real Women of Genius" in class today. I was thinking about it, and the possibilities are endless!!!